Thursday, December 18, 2014

Remove the User Names from Login Screen – Ubuntu

Here is the small tutorial about disabling the list of user in Ubuntu 11.10 login screen, it increases the security little bit. Here i used the lightdm.conf file for getting the above task, follow the steps to disable user list in login screen, if want to more security consider to disable Guest account login in Ubuntu Version

Step 1: Open Terminal ( Dash Home —-> Search for Terminal or Ctrl + Alt + T)
Step 2: Edit the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file.
user@test~$ sudo vi /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Step 3:  Add the following line at the end of the above file.
Step 4: Reboot

user@test~$ sudo reboot
Now the login scree will look like below without User Names list except Guest Session.
It’s done.

Courtsey :

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